29 Oct Raising Awareness Online Campaign on Cybercrime within RAYUELA project
29 Oct, 2021
On Tuesday 2nd of November 2021, ALL DIGITAL will start an online Raising Awareness Campaign on Cybercrime as part of the RAYUELA project.
The Campaign will be focused on strengthening the knowledge of cybercrime, the online behaviour of both offenders and victims, practical situations where young people and adults might struggle and be at risk of becoming a victim.
Recognising a cybercrime, preventing and reacting might be extremely challenging. Take part in our raising awareness campaign every Tuesday and Thursday on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels to expand your knowledge.
Like, Comment and Share to spread the mouth and reflect on how we can prevent and make the internet safer.
RAYUELA is a Horizon 2020 project focused on developing innovative methodologies for enhanced cybersecurity by having Law Enforcement Agencies, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, legal experts, computer scientists and engineers working together. RAYUELA’s main goal is to better understand the drivers and human factors affecting cyber-criminality, thus empowering and educating young target groups to a more conscious and aware use of the Internet through gaming, in a preventive and mitigating action to reduce cybercriminal behaviour.
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