27 Feb ASK4JOB project survey: the upcoming needs of digital literacy
27 Feb, 2018
In an increasingly digital world, when employers look at the CV of a potential employee, they look at the computer skills section. In Europe today, millions of people still lack basic digital skills, which makes it very difficult for them to find a job, thus leading them to social exclusion and, consequently, poverty.
The ASK4JOB project is aimed at long-term unemployed and adults with low digital skills and will help job seekers become more appealing to employers, paying attention to the development of digital skills and relevant digital competences.
ASK4JOB will produce a toolkit to assess learning methods and value digital literacy competences of recipients. The main goals are the realization of digital citizenship, meant as open access and participation in the society with a full digital awareness and the creation of equal access to the internet, the support of digital citizenship and the development of digital skills.
There are partners from nine countries in this project, with the Italian organization E.RI.FO as the project coordinator.
The kick-off meeting took place in Rome, on 6-7 November 2017, and was hosted by E.RI.FO. The beginning of the meeting was devoted for partner to get acquainted with each other and their organisations. Afterwards, the coordinators presented the ASK4JOB project and brought to the debate the most important issues to be considered, namely: the objectives, the task of the project, the stages of its implementation, the measures to achieve the objectives, the dissemination of the project and finances. All of these issues were discussed by all partners.
Right now, the partners are doing a background research work and a survey concerning the emerging and upcoming needs of digital literacy expressed by enterprises and by the labor market, with reference to professional profiles EQF4. The main goal is to identify the most requested digital literacy competences of enterprises, through a close examination of existing data. The survey will have to show which competences are requested, specifically for long-term unemployed adults with EQF4, with reference to administrative clerks in the service area and customer care.