31 May ALL DIGITAL Annual Report 2018
31 May, 2019
ALL DIGITAL Annual report for 2018, featuring all last year’s achievements, is published. The report was presented to members at the General Assembly on 23 May in Brussels and was approved by the membership.
The report summarises our activities in 2018 and covers topics from strategic organisational priorities, improving services to members, and influencing public policy to partnerships, campaigns, events, and projects.
Our position as a European leader in the field of digital competences for inclusion, employability, and citizenship was reinforced in 2018. As an example, ALL DIGITAL is widely recognised as a DIGCOMP expert, as well as one of the main contributors to the success of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. Moreover, we are now better perceived as an organisation and as a community that brings together and connects the non-formal education sector with the topic of digital education.
Increased recognition had also generated new exciting partnerships with companies such as Google and JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Google supported our Annual Summit, s well as our Policy debate on Media Literacy, while by working together with JPMorgan Chase Foundation to getting unemployed trained and into jobs, ALL DIGITAL entered a whole new world of cooperation – with companies outside of the ICT sector.
Also, in 2018, we have started to work on DCDS – a Digital Competences Development System, a strategic project for the organisation, aiming to support low skilled adults into assessing, improving and validating their digital competences, based on the DIGCOMP framework.
During the year, we were involved in a total of 17 EU funded projects, of which 7 are new.We have organised a series of events and campaigns to boost networking opportunities, as well as to raise awareness on the impact of the digital competence centres. The ALL DIGITAL Summit in 2018 has been the largest ever annual event in the history of the organisation, bringing together 180 participants. ALL DIGITAL Week (organised for the first year under this name) was a major success with over 5,000 events organised in 32 countries and with over 125,000 participants.
This report includes further details on the above mentioned activities and results. Enjoy your reading!
See the Annual Report 2018 in PDF