22.03 All Digital Week 2021 Launch Event: Digital Skills for a Stronger Europe • ALL DIGITAL
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Theme:  digital inclusion, digital skills, digital education

Start date:  22 March 10:30 CET

End date:  22 March 12:30 CET

Location:  online

Organiser(s):  ALL DIGITAL

Target audience:  organisations and individuals working to enhance digital skills of citizens

22.03 All Digital Week 2021 Launch Event: Digital Skills for a Stronger Europe

22 Feb, 2021


Europe needs digital skills to go beyond the Covid-19 pandemic, which has presented humanity with a huge challenge to our known infrastructures – education systems, healthcare provision, social support, businesses and community cohesion. Society is tired of it all, and misinformation is one of the few things flourishing. At the same time, we have all been forced to learn new digital skills. New technologies to enable our lives to continue. New skills to continue learning, teaching, working, running a business, communicating with loved ones, and even discerning what information we can trust.

All Digital Week campaign has been running every March since 2010 and helped more than 1.3 million people to get online for the first time or enhance their digital skills. Once again, in 2021 it addresses the importance of digital skills and will support thousands of people across Europe to gain those.

During 2020 the European Commission consulted stakeholders and published the Digital Education Action Plan, which sets out wide-ranging principles, priorities, and actions to take Europe forward with digital skills. ALL DIGITAL welcomes the Digital Education Action Plan, and during All Digital Week 2021 hundreds of events across Europe support educators to ‘be a digital hero’, boosting citizens’ employability, helping them to access healthcare and government services, increase their social connections, and counter disinformation. Events also help businesses to become more resilient focusing on social media and efficient homeworking.

The launch event for the All Digital Week 2021 campaign was opened by Chair of the Board of ALL DIGITAL Achilles Kameas and CEO of ALL DIGITAL Peter Palvolgyi. In the keynote message, Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, provided brief reflections on the Digital Education Action Plan and All Digital Week.  Stefano Scarpetta, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at OECD,   expanded on the needs for digital skills in the post-pandemic world.

A panel discussion followed the keynote speakers, with

  • Victor Negrescu MEP, Vice-Chair CULT Committee on Education & Training
  • Veronica Mobilio, European Commission, DG Education, Youth, Sport & Culture, Policy Officer
  • Simon Delakorda, Director of the Institute for Electronic Participation.
  • Angeliki Dedopoulou, Senior Manager of EU Public Affairs, Huawei

The panel discussion will be moderated by Prof Achilles Kameas, Chair of the Board of ALL DIGITAL.

Please scroll down to see the speakers’ bios.

The event and the panel in particular considered a number of key statements and questions that arise from the Digital Education Action Plan consultation, for example that 95% of respondents consider the COVID-19 crisis to be a ‘turning point’ for how technology is used in education and training. The event will ask how we can ensure that it is a turning point. Further to this, more than 50% of Digital Education Action Plan respondents “plan to take action to further improve their digital competences in the future”. How can we capitalise on these good intentions?

See the video and below the programme of the event with exact video timings


Welcome – ALL DIGITAL and All Digital  Week






  • Stefano Scarpetta, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at OECD.  Reflections on post-pandemic digital skills needs. See the presentation
  • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner, Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. Reflections on the Digital Education Action Plan. (audio message)
  • Questions from the Audience


Panel discussion
Moderator: Prof Achilles Kameas, Chair of the Board of ALL DIGITAL

  • Victor Negrescu MEP, Vice-Chair CULT Committee on Education & Training
  • Veronica Mobilio, European Commission, DG Education, Youth, Sport & Culture, Policy Officer
  • Simon Delakorda, Institute for Electronic Participation, Director
  • Angeliki Dedopoulou, Senior Manager of EU Public Affairs, Huawei
12:05-12:15  Questions from the Audience


 All Digital Week 2021

  • Ekaterina Clifford, Communication Manager at ALL DIGITAL. Calendar of events. How can you participate?
12:30 Close


Stefano Scarpetta, Director, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs

Stefano Scarpetta has been the Director of the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS) Directorate of the OECD since 2013. He leads the work of the Organisation in a number of broad areas including Employment, Labour, Migration, Health, Skills, Gender and Tackling Inequalities and contributes to the implementation of the Secretary-General’s strategic orientations in these areas. Stefano represents the OECD in the G20 and G7 and many other high-level international fora on labour market, social, migration and health issues.  Under his leadership, ELS provides continuous assistance and support to countries in the design, implementation and evaluation of polices drawing from evidence-based analyses of how policy affects different economic, labour and social outcomes. His advice has contributed to numerous policy reforms in OECD countries and beyond, and new policy thinking in areas ranging from inequalities, labour market inclusion and the future of work, social protection for all, the integration of migrants, the economics of public health and patient-centred health care.

Mr Scarpetta has published extensively in academic journals, including in the American Economic Review, the Economic Journal, Economic Policy, the International Journal of Industrial Organisation and Labour Economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), a M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a Laurea Summa cum Laude from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Veronica Mobilio, Policy officer, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission

Veronica is an educational expert, with specific expertise in digital and entrepreneurship education. She works as policy officer at DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture where she has been contributing to the implementation and update of the Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan.

Previously, she worked as Senior Manager for Education Development at Junior Achievement Europe and, before moving to Brussels, she was a consultant and researcher for several public and private organizations in Italy.

She holds PhD in learning theories and communication sciences. Passionate about evidence-based policymaking, she strongly believes in people empowerment.

Victor Negrescu MEP, Vice-President of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

Portrait of Victor NEGRESCU

Victor Negrescu is a Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), being part of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament. He is the MEP with the most significant pilot projects, generating in both mandates initiatives that go up to more than 60 million euros in the fields of digitalization, education, health, entrepreneurship, culture and media.

Victor Negrescu has been an active promotor of the allocation of 10% for quality and inclusive education of the National Recovery and Resilience Facilities, as well as 2% to the cultural and creative sector. He managed to obtain in this regard the support of the Budgets Committee members and integrated that in the official position of the European Parliament.

Simon Delakorda, Director at the Institute for Electronic Participation

Simon Delakorda (M. Sc.) is director at the Institute for Electronic Participation in Ljubljana with granted status of non-governmental organisation in the public interest in the field of information society development. Since 2000, he participated in 30+ digital democracy projects within academic and NGO sector in Slovenia and at the EU level. From 2014 he is an advocacy coordinator at the National network of non-governmental organisations for an inclusive information society. He is an elected NGO representative in Regional Development Council of the Ljubljana Urban Region and a member of the Slovenian Political Science Association.

Angeliki Dedopoulou, Senior Manager of EU Public Affairs, Huawei

Angeliki Dedopoulou is Senior Manager of EU Public Affairs at Huawei responsible for the policy area of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Digital Skills and Green related policy topics.
Before joining Huawei’s EU Public Affairs team, Angeliki was an adviser for the European Commission for over 5 years (through Everis, an NTT Data Company) on DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion. Her main focus during this period was the European Classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) and the Europass Digital Credential project.
Angeliki is a Member of the Board of the Hellenic Blockchain Hub and a Member of the Beltug Innovation Taskforce.

Angeliki studied Political Science and History in Greece, Sociology in France and European Governance in Luxembourg. Angeliki also regularly writes articles and has travelled across Europe delivering speeches to policy makers, Governments, and industry summits, on topics ranging from the digital labor market to blockchain in education, and employment.