15 Jul ALL DIGITAL Summit 2021
15 Jul, 2021
Citizens across Europe and the world have been challenged like never before to deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic, which changed fundamental assumptions that we all had about how we live our lives. We had to learn quickly how to use new technological solutions to get over these challenges. With home-schooling, the home computer suddenly had a queue. Working from home with video meetings even required us to reorganise our living spaces. We had to understand more about trust, security and use a range of new online tools for remote working and living. And slowly and quietly, we all started to adapt to the new way of working, living and schooling. We all learned how to live like this.
ALL DIGITAL wants to take some time to reflect and consider the implications of (probably) the fastest learning curve of modern times. What are the implications for digital skills education? And for social organisations providing digital education support to people? And finally what are the tools and techniques that unlock societal benefits in our new post-pandemic digital lives.
This event will look at how digital skills and digital tools also unlock and amplify the subjects of STE(A)M Education and Digital Social Innovation, how they solve real world problems and add value to the beneficiaries.
On 13-15 October 2021, ALL DIGITAL will organise its 14th annual summit ONLINE!
The Summit will bring together over 400 representatives of networks and organisations working to enhance digital skills of European citizens.
The Summit
The theme of the Summit is “Digital Skills and Tools for a Better World”, and keynotes, panels, lightning talks and workshops will be organised around these topics:
- Citizens and competence centres > solving real world and societal problems through digital tools and approaches.
- STE(A)M educators > STEAMonEdu – Increasing the adoption and impact of STE(A)M education by the professional development of STE(A)M educators.
- Young people > Social Hackademy – Fostering digital competences of young people from disadvantaged background by implementing collaborative educational activities based on the Social Hackademy co-creation methodology.
See the Programme and Speakers
In addition to keynotes and panel discussions, the event will introduce a number of projects to the audience and go into varying levels of detail about a range of tools and approaches for different purposes and different audiences under these themes.
Social Hackademy:
Several EU policy initiatives underline that social inclusion of young people depends on their access to ICT and on them acquiring the necessary digital and transversal competences to participate in modern society. Young people acquiring digital skills is not pivotal merely for their transition to the labour market but also for their participation in our digitally transformed society. The Social Hackademy project provides a unique solution to this by establishing a framework that empowers young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with digital skills and gives them an opportunity to take on an active role in solving societal challenges. This is done with a unique co-creation process established by the Social Hackademy Methodology which invites young people to work with civil society organisations and help them address real problems in societies with innovative digital solutions.
Learn more about the project here.
STE(A)M education nurtures critical thinking skills which are crucial in critical phases of societies to overcome problems and innovate thanks to a creative mindset. This interdisciplinary approach integrates the analytical and the creative thinking, stimulates the development of convergent and divergent skills at the same time, stimulating both the right and left side of the human brain. STE(A)M prepares learners for current and future careers independently from the sector or field of interest and life when dealing with complex situations. In this context, STEAMonEdu project aims to increase the adoption and impact of STE(A)M education by investing in the community of stakeholders and the professional development of educators and implementing STE(A)M education with a professional profile for teachers.
Learn more about the project here.