24 Apr, 2019
The ASK4JOB partnership realized between November 2018 and January 2019 a series of workshops with different stakeholders in the project countries: Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Turkey and Greece. The purpose was to collect information concerning the most important skills and competencies that are requested today by companies in all the partnership’s countries.
The workshops were conducted based on a European Awareness Scenario Workshop (EASW) – a method that allows the promotion of an effective debate of various groups of interest, favoring the participation of different set of stakeholders, a solid balance between the contribution of all groups and a cross-breeding between different ideas and worldviews. EASW is particularly successful in local contexts, where it is extremely easy to match individual problems with their causes, making it easier to find a solution.
The final report provides an important comparative perspective on the European situation with digital literacy in the workplace. In the short version you can see the findings per country
On the basis of the collected information, the ASK4JOB partnership will produce a set of tools to assess educational pathway and value digital literacy competences. The direct beneficiaries will be long-term unemployed (2 years or more), low skilled people coming from previous work experiences, which can be referenced to a European Qualification Framework EQF 3 or 4.
Outcomes of the discussion held in the EASW were used to shape the tools of assessment and, consequently, in the training programme that will be delivered to Ask4Job users through the MOOC. The assessment will provide personalised instructions on how to get access to a development programme of digital upskilling, designed specifically for technical professions (EQF 4) in commerce and services sectors.
Application of workshop results to DIGCOMP’s five areas of digital competences and practical indications
The report presents the connections between the indications provided by stakeholders in the EASW and the five thematic areas of DIGCOMP 2.1, put in reference with processes performed in technical jobs within commerce and service sectors.
You can see both Short version and Full Version of the Report
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